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ألموقع ألعربي ألتعليمي للدواجن
ألموقع ألعربي ألتعليمي للدواجن
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كتابتهم إلى عنوان ألبريد الألكتروني
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متمنيا للجميع ألموفقيه و ألنجاح
أستفساراتهم أو لتوجيه الاسئله المحددة أو لعرض الحالات المرضيه او المشاكل التي تواجههم لمناقشتها و أبداء المساعده و أعطاء الحلول المناسبه لها ، قدر المستطاع
عن طريق
كتابتهم إلى عنوان ألبريد الألكتروني
[email protected]
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و ألضغط على كلمة
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معلومات أضافيه عن ألناشر
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Name : Majed Ahmad Al-Attar
Title : Poultry Diseases Specialist.
1977-1981- Ph.D.
-Department of Pathology, Ontario Veterinary
College, University of Guelph, Canada.
- Dissertation Title : Factors Affection pathogenesis of
Eimeria , necatrix infection in chickens
1975-1977- M.Sc.
- Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Canada.
- Dissertation Title : Seroepidemiological study on Avian
Influenza in wild birds.
- United Nation Fellowship ( FAO,UNDP),
United Kingdom , Edinburgh, Moredan Institute,
Kenya, East Africa Veterinary Research Organization,
. Training on Serological Techniques.
1963-1968 –BVMS(DVM)
- Veterinary Medicine and Surgery College of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Professional Appointments
Professor, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine,
Thamar University, Thamar, Republic of Yemen.
Ma’arib Poultry Co. Sana’a Republic of Yemen, Poultry Diseases
Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Omar
Al-Mukhtar University, Libya.
1999-2002 Professor, Faculty of veterinary Medicine, Jordan
University of Science and Technology.
1981-1999 Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of
1990-1993 Chairman of the Department of Poultry and Fish Diseases
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad.
1983-2007 Private Poultry Clinic with Lab. plus Supervision and
Consultation to Broilers, Layers, and Breeders farms in Iraq, Jordan & Yemen.
1968-1975 Veterinarian in the Veterinary Research Institute, Ministry of
Agriculture , Iraq.
Main Duties:
1-As Veterinarian carryng MSc and PhD specialized in Avian Diseases I was involved in many projects related to the control, diagnosis as well as developing vaccines for chickens.
2-Teaching under graduate veterinary students courses related to Avian Medicine, microbiology, pathology and immunology.
3-Supervision of postgraduate veterinary students ( Diploma, MSc, and PhD.).
4-Diagnosis of abnormal conditions in poultry and wild birds, through clinical
examination post-mortem examination and laboratory tests.
5-Preventing poultry diseases by vaccination.
6-Advicing poultry companies on feeding, housing, hygiene, and diseases prevention.
These duties were performed through the university work, research, poultry farm supervision and owning private clinic and laboratory.
Research Interest:
Subjects related to diseases prevention and control like vaccine production. Pathogenesis of infectious diseases especially Coccidiosis.
Avian Influenza.
Publications of one book
Clinical Diagnosis of Chicken Diseases.
Ministry of Higher Education , Iraq, 1989.
Theses Supervised
A- Ph.D. Theses in Avian Diseases
1-Vaccination of boiler breeds against Escherichia coli infection, 1996.
2- Pathogenesis of Infectious Bursal Disease of Chickens (Gumboro), 1999.
B- M.Sc. Theses in Avian Diseases
1 Evaluation of anticoccidial drugs against Eimeria tenella infection in chickens (1985).
2 I-Escherichia coli of broiler chickens, Pathogenecity, serotypes and antibiotic sensitivity (1986).
3 Effects of moisture and Monensim on chickens infected with Eimeria tenella (1987).
4 The relationship of coccidial infection (Eimeria acervulina) and vitamin E and the selenium deficiency in chickens (1985).
5 Immune response of chickens to Escherichia Coli infection (1989).
6 Omphalitis and yolk sac infection of broiler chicks (1991).
7 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria tenella using live sporozoits (1992).
8 Study on the immunization of broiler chickens against Eimeria tenella (1993).
9 Genetic resistance of broilers against Eimeria tenella infection (1992).
10 The role of Lactobacilli in reducing airsacculitis of chickens (1993).
11 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria tenella using gamma irradiated oocysts (1994).
12 Evaluation of inactivated Newcastle disease vaccines (1995).
13 Pathogenesis of Borrelia anserina infection of chicken (1996).
14 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria necatrix infection using gamma irradiated oocysts (1998).
15 Isolation and Characterization of Eimeria Species of Chickens (2001 ).
16 Bacterial causes of Airsacculitis of Broiler chicken in Northern and Middle of Jordan with Reference to Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale ( 2001 ).
17 Isolation of Newcastle disease and Infectious Bronchitis viruses associated with airsacculitis in broiler chickens in Jordan.(2002).
C-Diploma in Avian Diseases
1 Infectious Bursal Disease in chickens (1998).
2 Cryptosporidiosis infection in Poultry (1998).
A-List of Arabic Publications
1 A preliminary study on the prevalence of antibody to infection bursal disease in broiler chickens. Iraqi. Vet. J.11:162-169 (1987).
2 Escherichia coli in broiler chickens.
I-Serology and antibiotic sensitivity. Iraqi. Vet. J. 12:246-254 (1988).
3 Escherichia coli in broiler chickens.
II-Pathogenecity and experimental infection. Proceeding of the Fifth Scientific Conference, Scientific Research Counsel, Vol 5, paper 1, Baghdad, Iraq (1989).
4 Sensitivity of Eimeria tenella to some anticoccidial drugs.
Irq. Vet. J. 12:119-133 (1988).
5 Immune response to natural infection with E.coli in broiler chickens.
6 The effect of some litter moisture and monensim on broiler infected with Eimeria tenella. The Veterinarian 1:85-97 (1991).
7 Effect of some anti-bacterial on the immune response if chickens vaccinated against Newcastle disease. The Veterinarian 3: (1993).
8 Bacterial infection of the yolk sac in the apparently normal and clinical ill broiler chicks. Sixth Pan Arab Veterinary Conference, 1993, Baghdad.
9 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria tenella infection. 1-effect of in-ovo and intramuscularl inoculation of sporozoits. Arabian Conference on Improving Industry, Amman (1992).
10 The inactivated Newcastle vaccines, a comparative study. Iraq Veterinary Syndicate 6th conference.
11 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria tenella infection using gamma irradiated oocysts. Conference Le Congres Veterinaire Arad et Mediterraneen. Tunisia 27-30 May (1996).
12 Vaccination f chickens against bloody diarrhea using gamma irradiated oocysts of Eimeria tenella. The third conference on the peaceful use of the Atomic energy. Damascus (1996).
13 Successful immunization against Eimeria tenella infection. The fourth conference on the peaceful use of atomic energy. Tunisia (1998).
14 The effect of Eimeria maxima and Clostridia perfrengins on the leucocytes response of he chickens. Iraqi Veterinary Syndicate 7th conference (1998).
B-List Of English Publications
1 Demonstration by immunodiffusion agar-gel test of Borrelia anserine antigens in organs of infected chickens, Avian Disease 18:463-466 (1974).
2 Preliminary observation on antigens activity of Fascolia gigantica by
Immunodiffusion test in sheep. Brit Vet. J. 130 liv (1974).
3 The application of soluble antigen fluorescent antibody test for the diagnosis of Avian Influenza Can. J. Comp. Med. 45: 140-146 (1981).
4 Invasion of chickens ceacal and intestinal lamina propria by crypt epithelial cells infected with coccidian. Parasitology. 391-398 (1983).
5 Method for long preservation of Borealis anserina in broiler chickens. Iraqi Vet. J. (1995).
6 Cryptosporidiosis of the bursa of Fabricius in broiler chickens. Iraqi Vet. J. (1985).
7 Tetramers infection in chickens. Iraqi. Vet. J. 19 (1985).
8 Transport of Eimeria necatrix sporozoits in the chickens. Effect of irritant injected intraperitoneally. J. Parasite 73: 494-502 (1987).
9 Pathogenesis of lung lesions in chickens inoculated intrachially with Esheriachia coli. Indian Vet. J. 975-980 (1988).
10 The incidence of Salmonella and serogical evidence of Newcastle disease in some wild birds from Baghdad area. J. Biol. Sci. 20: 218-219 (1989).
11 Evaluation of ten anticoccidial drugs for he treatment of Eimeria tenella infection in chicken. The Veterinarian 1 (1992).
12 Preparation of second generation memozoites of Eimeria necatrix free of host tissue J. Parasitology. 70: 145-155 (1984).
13 The effect of Eimeria acervulina infection on the incidence of Exudative diathesis in broiler chicks. Proc. 5th. Scientific. Conf. Scientific Research Council-Iraq-Baghdad, 7-11 Oct. Vol. 1, part 7 (1989).
14 New syndrome in Iraqi chicks. Vet . Rec. (1991).
15 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria tenella infection. Proceeding of XIX World’s Poultry Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vol. 2 (1992).
16 Vaccination of chickens with rough strain of Esheriachia coli Proceeding of XIX World’s Poultry Congress, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Vol 1 (1992).
17 The effect of furaltadone and chloramphenicol on the Hemagglutination inhibition antibody to Newcastle disease virus. Irq. Vet. Sci. 7: 77-80 (1994).
18 Effect of sodium bicarbonate administration on the severity of Eimeria tenella infection in chickens. The Veterinarian.5 (1995).
19 Effect of ascorbic acid on chickens experimentally infected with Escherichia coli. The Veterinarian 3 (1993).
20 Efficacy of five commercial chemotherapeutic products in chicken experimentally infected with Esheriachia coli. Iraqi. J. Vet. Med.(1995)
21 Studies on the bacterial etiology of Airsacculitis of broilers in Northren and middle Jordan with special reference to E.coli, O.rhinotracheals, and B.avium. Avian Diseases 2002,46,605-612.
22- GEL DROPLETS VACCINATION METHOD FOR THE DELIVERY OF NEWCASTLE DISEASE VACCINE IN THE BARN. Proceedings of the sixtieth Western Poultry Disease Conference : March 21-23, 2011, Sacramento, CA.
IN THE BARNS.The Fifty-Ninth Poultry Disease Conference. April ,19-21 , 2010, Vancouver, BC ,CANADA.
Name : Majed Ahmad Al-Attar
Title : Poultry Diseases Specialist.
1977-1981- Ph.D.
-Department of Pathology, Ontario Veterinary
College, University of Guelph, Canada.
- Dissertation Title : Factors Affection pathogenesis of
Eimeria , necatrix infection in chickens
1975-1977- M.Sc.
- Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Immunology
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Canada.
- Dissertation Title : Seroepidemiological study on Avian
Influenza in wild birds.
- United Nation Fellowship ( FAO,UNDP),
United Kingdom , Edinburgh, Moredan Institute,
Kenya, East Africa Veterinary Research Organization,
. Training on Serological Techniques.
1963-1968 –BVMS(DVM)
- Veterinary Medicine and Surgery College of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Professional Appointments
Professor, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine,
Thamar University, Thamar, Republic of Yemen.
Ma’arib Poultry Co. Sana’a Republic of Yemen, Poultry Diseases
Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, Omar
Al-Mukhtar University, Libya.
1999-2002 Professor, Faculty of veterinary Medicine, Jordan
University of Science and Technology.
1981-1999 Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of
1990-1993 Chairman of the Department of Poultry and Fish Diseases
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Baghdad.
1983-2007 Private Poultry Clinic with Lab. plus Supervision and
Consultation to Broilers, Layers, and Breeders farms in Iraq, Jordan & Yemen.
1968-1975 Veterinarian in the Veterinary Research Institute, Ministry of
Agriculture , Iraq.
Main Duties:
1-As Veterinarian carryng MSc and PhD specialized in Avian Diseases I was involved in many projects related to the control, diagnosis as well as developing vaccines for chickens.
2-Teaching under graduate veterinary students courses related to Avian Medicine, microbiology, pathology and immunology.
3-Supervision of postgraduate veterinary students ( Diploma, MSc, and PhD.).
4-Diagnosis of abnormal conditions in poultry and wild birds, through clinical
examination post-mortem examination and laboratory tests.
5-Preventing poultry diseases by vaccination.
6-Advicing poultry companies on feeding, housing, hygiene, and diseases prevention.
These duties were performed through the university work, research, poultry farm supervision and owning private clinic and laboratory.
Research Interest:
Subjects related to diseases prevention and control like vaccine production. Pathogenesis of infectious diseases especially Coccidiosis.
Avian Influenza.
Publications of one book
Clinical Diagnosis of Chicken Diseases.
Ministry of Higher Education , Iraq, 1989.
Theses Supervised
A- Ph.D. Theses in Avian Diseases
1-Vaccination of boiler breeds against Escherichia coli infection, 1996.
2- Pathogenesis of Infectious Bursal Disease of Chickens (Gumboro), 1999.
B- M.Sc. Theses in Avian Diseases
1 Evaluation of anticoccidial drugs against Eimeria tenella infection in chickens (1985).
2 I-Escherichia coli of broiler chickens, Pathogenecity, serotypes and antibiotic sensitivity (1986).
3 Effects of moisture and Monensim on chickens infected with Eimeria tenella (1987).
4 The relationship of coccidial infection (Eimeria acervulina) and vitamin E and the selenium deficiency in chickens (1985).
5 Immune response of chickens to Escherichia Coli infection (1989).
6 Omphalitis and yolk sac infection of broiler chicks (1991).
7 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria tenella using live sporozoits (1992).
8 Study on the immunization of broiler chickens against Eimeria tenella (1993).
9 Genetic resistance of broilers against Eimeria tenella infection (1992).
10 The role of Lactobacilli in reducing airsacculitis of chickens (1993).
11 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria tenella using gamma irradiated oocysts (1994).
12 Evaluation of inactivated Newcastle disease vaccines (1995).
13 Pathogenesis of Borrelia anserina infection of chicken (1996).
14 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria necatrix infection using gamma irradiated oocysts (1998).
15 Isolation and Characterization of Eimeria Species of Chickens (2001 ).
16 Bacterial causes of Airsacculitis of Broiler chicken in Northern and Middle of Jordan with Reference to Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale ( 2001 ).
17 Isolation of Newcastle disease and Infectious Bronchitis viruses associated with airsacculitis in broiler chickens in Jordan.(2002).
C-Diploma in Avian Diseases
1 Infectious Bursal Disease in chickens (1998).
2 Cryptosporidiosis infection in Poultry (1998).
A-List of Arabic Publications
1 A preliminary study on the prevalence of antibody to infection bursal disease in broiler chickens. Iraqi. Vet. J.11:162-169 (1987).
2 Escherichia coli in broiler chickens.
I-Serology and antibiotic sensitivity. Iraqi. Vet. J. 12:246-254 (1988).
3 Escherichia coli in broiler chickens.
II-Pathogenecity and experimental infection. Proceeding of the Fifth Scientific Conference, Scientific Research Counsel, Vol 5, paper 1, Baghdad, Iraq (1989).
4 Sensitivity of Eimeria tenella to some anticoccidial drugs.
Irq. Vet. J. 12:119-133 (1988).
5 Immune response to natural infection with E.coli in broiler chickens.
6 The effect of some litter moisture and monensim on broiler infected with Eimeria tenella. The Veterinarian 1:85-97 (1991).
7 Effect of some anti-bacterial on the immune response if chickens vaccinated against Newcastle disease. The Veterinarian 3: (1993).
8 Bacterial infection of the yolk sac in the apparently normal and clinical ill broiler chicks. Sixth Pan Arab Veterinary Conference, 1993, Baghdad.
9 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria tenella infection. 1-effect of in-ovo and intramuscularl inoculation of sporozoits. Arabian Conference on Improving Industry, Amman (1992).
10 The inactivated Newcastle vaccines, a comparative study. Iraq Veterinary Syndicate 6th conference.
11 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria tenella infection using gamma irradiated oocysts. Conference Le Congres Veterinaire Arad et Mediterraneen. Tunisia 27-30 May (1996).
12 Vaccination f chickens against bloody diarrhea using gamma irradiated oocysts of Eimeria tenella. The third conference on the peaceful use of the Atomic energy. Damascus (1996).
13 Successful immunization against Eimeria tenella infection. The fourth conference on the peaceful use of atomic energy. Tunisia (1998).
14 The effect of Eimeria maxima and Clostridia perfrengins on the leucocytes response of he chickens. Iraqi Veterinary Syndicate 7th conference (1998).
B-List Of English Publications
1 Demonstration by immunodiffusion agar-gel test of Borrelia anserine antigens in organs of infected chickens, Avian Disease 18:463-466 (1974).
2 Preliminary observation on antigens activity of Fascolia gigantica by
Immunodiffusion test in sheep. Brit Vet. J. 130 liv (1974).
3 The application of soluble antigen fluorescent antibody test for the diagnosis of Avian Influenza Can. J. Comp. Med. 45: 140-146 (1981).
4 Invasion of chickens ceacal and intestinal lamina propria by crypt epithelial cells infected with coccidian. Parasitology. 391-398 (1983).
5 Method for long preservation of Borealis anserina in broiler chickens. Iraqi Vet. J. (1995).
6 Cryptosporidiosis of the bursa of Fabricius in broiler chickens. Iraqi Vet. J. (1985).
7 Tetramers infection in chickens. Iraqi. Vet. J. 19 (1985).
8 Transport of Eimeria necatrix sporozoits in the chickens. Effect of irritant injected intraperitoneally. J. Parasite 73: 494-502 (1987).
9 Pathogenesis of lung lesions in chickens inoculated intrachially with Esheriachia coli. Indian Vet. J. 975-980 (1988).
10 The incidence of Salmonella and serogical evidence of Newcastle disease in some wild birds from Baghdad area. J. Biol. Sci. 20: 218-219 (1989).
11 Evaluation of ten anticoccidial drugs for he treatment of Eimeria tenella infection in chicken. The Veterinarian 1 (1992).
12 Preparation of second generation memozoites of Eimeria necatrix free of host tissue J. Parasitology. 70: 145-155 (1984).
13 The effect of Eimeria acervulina infection on the incidence of Exudative diathesis in broiler chicks. Proc. 5th. Scientific. Conf. Scientific Research Council-Iraq-Baghdad, 7-11 Oct. Vol. 1, part 7 (1989).
14 New syndrome in Iraqi chicks. Vet . Rec. (1991).
15 Immunization of chickens against Eimeria tenella infection. Proceeding of XIX World’s Poultry Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vol. 2 (1992).
16 Vaccination of chickens with rough strain of Esheriachia coli Proceeding of XIX World’s Poultry Congress, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Vol 1 (1992).
17 The effect of furaltadone and chloramphenicol on the Hemagglutination inhibition antibody to Newcastle disease virus. Irq. Vet. Sci. 7: 77-80 (1994).
18 Effect of sodium bicarbonate administration on the severity of Eimeria tenella infection in chickens. The Veterinarian.5 (1995).
19 Effect of ascorbic acid on chickens experimentally infected with Escherichia coli. The Veterinarian 3 (1993).
20 Efficacy of five commercial chemotherapeutic products in chicken experimentally infected with Esheriachia coli. Iraqi. J. Vet. Med.(1995)
21 Studies on the bacterial etiology of Airsacculitis of broilers in Northren and middle Jordan with special reference to E.coli, O.rhinotracheals, and B.avium. Avian Diseases 2002,46,605-612.
22- GEL DROPLETS VACCINATION METHOD FOR THE DELIVERY OF NEWCASTLE DISEASE VACCINE IN THE BARN. Proceedings of the sixtieth Western Poultry Disease Conference : March 21-23, 2011, Sacramento, CA.
IN THE BARNS.The Fifty-Ninth Poultry Disease Conference. April ,19-21 , 2010, Vancouver, BC ,CANADA.